Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Please note: The content on this webpage may contain outdated information and was accurate at the time it was published. Healthcare providers are encouraged to consult current evidence and resources on the topic.

Substance use during pregnancy is a risk factor for negative pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. Infants at risk for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) are also at increased risk for pre-term birth, low birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction. Substance use in pregnancy is also a marker for social and environmental risks that contribute to mental, physical and developmental challenges for infants and children.

In 2016, PCMCH and a panel of experts revised the NAS Clinical Guidelines to include:

  • Updated recommendations to reflect current evidence and practice, particularly in the area of drug toxicology testing and NAS management;
  • Updated references and expanded list of resources for use; and
  • More streamlined and condensed recommendations.

Webinar: 2016 Updates

Webinar slides