June 2023 | Issue 3
Evidence-based resources that support quality care for patients with sickle cell disease are available. Released earlier this year, Ontario Health’s Sickle Cell Disease: Care for People of All Ages Quality Standard addresses care for children, young people and adults with sickle cell disease. It also addresses the needs of families, caregivers or other substitute decision-makers. The quality standards apply to all paediatric and adult health care settings, including hospitals, emergency departments, urgent care clinics, and primary, specialist, home and community care settings.
Produced by PCMCH in 2017, the Clinical Handbook for Sickle Cell Disease Vaso-occlusive Crisis addresses care of sickle cell crisis (also called a vaso-occlusive acute pain episode, or a VOC). VOCs are the most common reason for emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations for patients with sickle cell disease. The Handbook is a compendium of the evidence-based rationale and clinical consensus for sickle cell crisis, developed for informational purposes. Its recommendations are aimed at ED healthcare providers and can be used in combination with their professional skill and judgment.
Learn more about these resources on our website in advance of World Sickle Cell Day on June 19.