Read the Winter 2025 Issue of Milestones
Subscribe to Milestones Milestones is PCMCH’s newsletter for healthcare professionals, policy makers, system planners and anyone interested in building and supporting high-quality perinatal, newborn, child and youth healthcare in Ontario. The Winter 2025 issue features: a message from PCMCH Executive Director Sanober Diaz on PCMCH’s steps towards achieving a more equitable healthcare system; a spotlight…
New IPHCC-PCMCH RSV Fact Sheet for Indigenous Families and Caregivers
The Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) and the Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH) have launched a new Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Fact Sheet tailored for Indigenous parents, families and caregivers in Ontario. This resource offers culturally safe information on preventing RSV in infants and high-risk young children, especially as we anticipate…
Read the Fall 2024 Issue of Milestones
Subscribe to Milestones MilestonesĀ isĀ our newsletter for healthcare professionals, policy makers, system planners and anyone interested in building and supporting high-quality perinatal, newborn, child and youth healthcare in Ontario. The Fall 20024 issue features: a message from PCMCH Executive Director Sanober Diaz on the respiratory illness season; a spotlight on Alanna Landry; an update on the…
Translated RSV Parent Fact Sheets Now Available
The Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH) is pleased to announce that our Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) fact sheet for parents and expectant parents is now available in several additional languages. We recognize that the active RSV season is fast-approaching and healthcare providers, teams and organizations are thoughtfully preparing for implementation of Beyfortus…
PCMCH Maternal-Newborn Committee Seeking Members for MNC
Are you passionate about advancing perinatal and newborn health while addressing inequities and ensuring high-quality, family-centred care? Do you have experience in perinatal care and are interested in contributing to provincial health initiatives? If you answered “Yes” to the questions above, we invite you to apply to be a member on the Provincial Council for…