PCMCH Maternal-Newborn Committee Seeking Patient and Family Advisors
Have you used pregnancy, newborn or post-pregnancy care services in Ontario within the last five years? Are you interested in helping make a difference in the care provided to pregnant people and babies in Ontario? If you answered “yes” to the questions above, we encourage you to apply to be a Patient and Family Advisor…
New PCMCH Resources on RSV Prevention for Infants and High-Risk Children
PCMCH is pleased to share two new fact sheets on the prevention of RSV in infants and high-risk children. These resources, available in English and French on the PCMCH website, provide valuable information and guidance to support the fall 2024 launch of the expanded infant and high-risk children RSV prevention program in Ontario. 1. Fact…
New PCMCH-IPHCC Measles Fact Sheet
Measles cases are on the rise in Ontario. And given the extremely contagious nature of this respiratory virus, factual and timely information is essential to support the public. To ensure that Indigenous people who are pregnant or have young children have the most up-to-date information to support their decision-making, the Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH) partnered with the Indigenous…
Read the July 2024 issue of Milestones
Supporting high-quality perinatal, newborn, child and youth healthcare Subscribe to Milestones Milestones is our newsletter for healthcare professionals, policy makers, system planners and anyone interested in building and supporting high-quality perinatal, newborn, child and youth healthcare in Ontario. The July 20024 issue features articles on the regional maternal-child health networks, the Complex Care for Kids Ontario (CCKO)…
2023/24 Annual Report Available Online
PCMCH is pleased to announce the release of our 2023/24 Annual Report, which can now be viewed on our website. The 2023/24 Annual Report highlights PCMCH’s activities and accomplishments over the past fiscal year, including our 2024-29 Strategic Plan, which will guide our organization moving forward. It also includes a joint message from Chair Bruce…