Please note: The PCMCH ED Clinical Pathway for Children and Youth with Mental Health Conditions was developed in 2013. The contents of the pathway are valid as of the time of publication.
The ED Clinical Pathway for Children and Youth with Mental Health Conditions and the related decision-support tools were developed to guide and support the care of children and youth who present to an ED with mental health or addiction issues. The Clinical Pathway also includes a process that facilitates a seamless transition to follow-up services with appropriate community-based agencies.
These resources are intended to enhance the capacity of the health system by using protocols that ensure anyone discharged from an ED has a stabilization plan and, if necessary, receives timely follow-up.
Download the ED Clinical Pathway Toolkit (2013). Appendices and related documents are below.
View the abstract of a paper about this work published in the July 2018 issue of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America.